Coffin types: A guide to costs and a comparison of prices of different coffins

With the help of the coffin companies, you can find a range of beautiful, sustainable, and environmentally friendly coffins. If you are interested to know that how much is a coffin costs in UK then you will have to read the line that is written below or you can simply visit and there you can find the exact price range of the coffins.

The best part of purchasing from this online store is that they will deliver the coffin to your doorstep, without charging any single penny. Mentioned below are different types of coffins along with their prices.

Wicker coffin – You will be amazed to know that each one of the wicker coffins is hand woven by one of the skilled coffin makers. Purchasing a wicker coffin can serve your purpose of giving tribute to the deceased one. The wicker coffins also take care of the environment; thus, it can be said that opting for wicker coffin can also be referred to as the step towards a green environment. Apart from all this, they are very cheap compared to the traditional one.

Willow coffin – You can find willow coffin in a variety of color; you can select one depending on the favorite color of the deceased one. You will be amazed to know that these types of coffins have fully furnished interior along with quality gowns as well as frills. The materials which are used to build the willow coffin are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. Many of them ask how much is a willow coffin cost, so for them let me give an idea that they cost you less than the traditional coffins. Hence, if you are planning for the cheap and environmental coffin, then you must opt for the willow coffin.

White wicker coffin The white wicker coffin is very beautiful to look, and it also offers an alternative for the traditional wooden coffin. Apart from the aesthetics, most of people prefer wicker coffin because they are made up of completely natural materials. Moreover, the material which is used to make the wicker coffins is grown without the use of any fertilizer or pesticides. And in the manufacturing process of White coffins, it is ensured that glues, plastics, and metals are not used. You must be wondering that how much a wicker coffin costs, so let me tell you that they are comparatively cheaper than the traditional coffins. 

Wicker basket coffin You will be astonished to know that the wicker basket coffin is a type of coffin that is made only by the use of ancient wicker weaving technique. Previously, this technique was used to construct outdoor and household furniture. The material by which the wicker coffins are made from are Seagrass, Willow, Reed, Rattan, Rush, and Bamboo. When you walk down to the market in order to purchase the wicker coffins, you will find that they are cheap in price. If you want some more information related to the cost of wicker basket coffin, then you can visit

There are lots of places from where you can buy coffin in UK, but I would suggest you go with as they do not only deliver the quality coffin, but at the same time they do not charge a single penny for transportation. You can simply refer to their official website, and you can find info related to the coffin. You will also come across different types of coffins and prices. Ltd
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