Some special Ideas to make a Funeral worth Remembering

Any type of separation is a time for sorrow and despair. People try to avoid such experiences as they like to be close to their loved ones. Death is one such separation, where there is no hope for reuniting with our loved ones. It is a time of great emotional crisis for any family. However, it is at this time that a family requires the most strength and unity.

To make this last encounter with their loved one as memorable as possible, people prepare and elaborate meaningful funeral services. A funeral service is held on the death of a loved one, friend or relative. It is a final way of showing respect and love to the eternally departed. Thus, people try their best to make the funeral a memorable and meaningful one by giving this sensitive responsibility to someone who has good expertise, may be a professional who understands the emotions involved with such an event.

Following are some special ideas to make a funeral worth remembering:

Readings – Most individuals have a philosophy in life that they follow and like. This may be from a religious text or any other source of literature or philosophy. People may include this philosophy of the deceased person to honor their memory. It could be included in the form of a message or a conversation between the people attending the funeral. It can also be read when the ash box is exposed to everyone.

Music – Any band or choir can be arranged to sing the individuals favorite songs or hymns. This is a great way to add some joy and relief to the otherwise stressed and sorrowful mood. People knowing the songs and hymns can also join in to sing and make the service more engaging while handling the ash casket and other such tasks.

Make a quote board- Choose a place or corner at the funeral and place a board there. Guests can write quotes that mean to family or loved one on the fabric or paper. Thereafter by using these quotes and by adding some decoration, you will have a wonderful display quote board to show.

Host an open mic session- You can also arrange an open mic session instead of a traditional eulogy during the funeral. Where you can invite your friends and family to share a few words, their memories with the deceased person or a song he/she loves the most.

Keep the person’s ideas in mind – While arranging for the funeral, people must ensure to take into account the deceased person’s preferences. Some people inform their families what kind of coffins they would like to be buried in. Nowadays there are a variety of coffins like banana leaf coffin and basket coffin, among others.

Light up the sky- This could be the most unique and remembering thing you can do at a funeral. Gather everyone at an open place like your backyard or a play-ground and give everyone a lantern to release into the sky. Balloons can also be used with the lanterns.

Eco friendly – While being eco-friendly may be a personal choice, it is also important for people to ensure that their funeral service should not have a negative effect on the environment. Biodegradable coffins are also available in the market that easily decompose in the soil and help to improve the environment. People could choose these varieties of coffins rather than the traditional coffins so that they can contribute towards a better environment. It is also a great way of honoring the dead, by ensuring that even in their last bit in the world; they will be helping to improve it. 

Such special ideas should be kept in mind to help and make a funeral worth remembering.

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